Online fssai registration in Chennai

Online fssai registration in Chennai




FSSAI registration, food license or restaurant license is the required document required by the authorities. The FSSAI license is a food license and it also acts as an approval to ensure compliance with India’s food safety standards. This license is a 14-digit registration number issued to manufacturers, merchants and restaurants. Most importantly, it should print on the packaging. Moreover, anyone can get online Fssai registration in Chennai.

The FSSAI License is issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Ministry of Family Health and Welfare, Government of India. An application to start a food business must be made to the FSSAI in the prescribed format. Based on the application and supporting documents, FSSAI will approve.

Online registration process

FSSAI registration in Chennai

Submit the form on the official website

  • First the applicant has to choose what kind of business he runs. Depending on the annual turnover, the applicant has to go for either the original registration or the state / central registration process.
  • If it is a basic registration, Form-A should be used. Form-B must be used if it is a state or central registration.
  • Since November 2020, the Food Safety and Complaints System (FOSCOS) has replaced the previous system (FLRS). So the applicant has to go to the FOSCOS website to make a new application.

Registration fee

Along with the form the applicant will have to pay the registration fee for FSSAI registration in Chennai.

Attach documents

Respected documents should be attached with this.

UARN number

After this process is complete, a unique application reference number (UARN) will be generated. The applicant must cite this in all correspondence. The same procedure is used for state or central registration.

Verification by the Authority

After receiving the form from the authority, they will do the same verification.

Site inspection

In the next step, the premises will be inspected by the Authority to see if the standards and norms required by FSSAI are met.

 Certificate of FSSAI registration

If there is no problem in the application and premises, the authority will issue a certificate of FSSAI registration.

Merits of FSSAI registration

Increased awareness

Through FSSAI registration in Chennai T.Nagar, this business will become more popular in the minds of customers. Nowadays, when it comes to the quality of food standards, consumers make sure that the quality complies with the requirements of FSSAI.

Compliance with laws

Any food business operator with this license will comply with the requirements of the operator law. Any kind of penalty will be avoided if business compliance is maintained.


Having this FSSAI license number will enhance the reputation of the business. Also, it will add to the main name of the business. While consumers are more likely to purchase products with the FSSAI logo than products without a logo.

Government funding

Through this registration, an increased amount of funds is also possible. In the eyes of the public, an FBO that has this license is more likely to comply with government regulations. Having this license increases the chances of securing public funds and government funds.

Increased reputation

Lastly and most importantly, having an FSSAI registration license will automatically enhance the reputation and goodwill of the business.

Latest news on FSSAI registration

The FSSAI has decided to withdraw its earlier order banning blending of mustard oil in the country. The order asking edible oil companies to stop selling and production of blended mustard oil from October 1 had created an atmosphere of concern in the edible oil industry.

In September, the FSSAI decided to implement the Draft Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Prohibition on Sales) Amendment Rules, 2020, stating that “the production or sale of edible vegetable oil mixed with mustard oil has no permission to take effect. 1 October ”.

This comes after the central government banned FSSAI from blending mustard oil. Even after the implementing these amendments in its draft phase, the FSSAI sought the opinion of industry players on the rules.

However, in its latest order, the regulator said: “After considering the representations of the appointees, taken a decision to withdraw the direction for the implementation of the draft Food Safety and Standards (Sales and Restrictions on Sales) Amendment Rules 2020.”


Food regulator FSSAI has proposed amendments to the import rules that make registration and audit mandatory. This export certain types of products to India. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) will periodically mention food product categories based on risk.

The FSSAI has sought public comments on its draft rules, the Food Safety and Standards (Import) Amendment Rules, 2020. It wants to improve the 2017 import rules. According to the draft rules, “FSSAI refers to the categories of food products exported to India from time to time, for which inspection or audit of foreign food production facilities producing food of such categories will be mandatory.”

Foreign food production facilities belonging to such categories and those wishing to export such account articles to India should register with the Food Authority before exporting to India, it added. The foreign food production facility, either directly or through an importer, can apply for registration, the draft said. Upon receipt of the complete application, the Food Authority will process the application and registration for inspection or reject the application.

Federation Hotel and Restaurant Rent Associations India f India (FHRAI) on Saturday welcomed the mandatory registration of food cooked food sellers by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) which will help reduce consumer health risks. Food operators must do purification and hygiene, according to a statement issued by FHRAI. It also noted that unregistered, unregulated food business operators (FBOs) cannot maintain hygiene standards, which is detrimental to the interests of consumers and poses health risks. “The FSSAI has responded to our request and taken action against any such uncontrolled and illegal dark kitchens. Many of these have the funds by the Food Service Aggregators (FSA) and have a responsibility to avoid legal and of course operating restaurants. Taxes too.



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